Discover How athena studio Can Help your Product Teams Save Time and Reach Their Targets Faster.
Gross Margin Uplifts
Already during design, our Pricinity algorithm accurately forecasts price, cost and resulting gross margin of each sample. No need for historical, granular product cost data: Pricinity is trained to derive this from aggregated data points!
athena studio then generates design recommendations with a higher margin:
+1-2 %pt
Eco-Impact Reduction
Our EcoMetric algorithm runs compliant Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and measures circular design metrics in line the EU CEAP and EPR, smartly handling common data gaps. EcoMetric can also pull existing data from your systems.
athena studio then generates design recommendations with a lower impact:
Significant Time Savings
Our platform instantly allocates forecasted price, costs and gross margin, as well as environmental metrics and sustainability labels to each design; while our TextileTwin algorithm is capable of building and enriching fabric libraries.
This way, athena studio saves hours of manual work for product and sustainability teams:
The Fashion Industry is Changing Rapidly. Is your Product Development Keeping Up?